
May 2022

All photographs copyright Paul Gale Bird Photography

Black Grouse Black Grouse flight
Black Grouse lek Black Tern
Black Woodpecker Camberwell Beauty
Blue-headed Wagtail Black-headed Wagtail
Black-throated Diver Capercallie
Coal Tit Common Gull
Common Crane Crested Tit
Elk Fieldfare
Gadwall Goldcrest
Goldeneye Great-spotted Woodpecker
Hare Hawfinch
Little Gull Hobby
Honey Buzzard Little-ringed Plover
Mallard Marsh Harrier
Marsh Tit Nuthatch
Orange Tip Osprey
Pied Flycatcher Pygmy Owl
Red-backed Shrike Red-necked Grebe
Ruff Ruff flight
Siskin Slavonian Grebe
Snipe with great-spotted woodpecker Three-toed Woodpecker.htm
Thrush Nightingale Tree sparrow
Treecreeper Ural Owl
Ural Owl flight Ural Owl in tree
Whinchat White Wagtail
Whooper Swan Willow Warbler
Wood Sandpiper Wood Warbler
Woodcock Wryneck


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