Butterflies of the Pyrenees in mid June

June 2022

All photographs copyright Paul Gale Bird Photography

A study of the Pale Clouded Yellow

The lemon yellow of the males is not bright enough for the very similar Berger's Clouded Yellow

Pale Clouded Yellow underside Pale Clouded Yellow female upperside
Pale Clouded Yellow male The male pale clouded yellow is a pale lemon yellow compared to the orange yellow of the clouded yellow
Pale Clouded Yellow Pale Clouded Yellow male
Clouded Yellow Clouded Yellow helice?

Other Butterflies

Adonis Blue Swallowtails
Black-eyed Blue Black-veined White flower
Blues to identify Grizzled Skipper
Orange Tip Fritillary
Silver-studded Blue Wood White
Large White Orchids
Black-viened White Blue-spot Hairstreak
Broad-bordered Bee Hawk Moth Brown Argus
Butterflies Cleopatra
Wood White Comma
Common Blue Dappled White
Dark-Green Fritillary European Swallowtail
False Ilex Hairstreak Great-banded Grayling
Green Hairstreak Green-viened White
Grizzled skipper Heath Fritillary
Holly Blue Hummingbird Hawk-Moth
Ilex Hairstreak Knapweed Fritillary
Large Wall Brown Little Blue
Moths Marbled White  leucomelas
Marmot Painted Lady
Pearl-bordered Fritillary Pearly Heath
Purple-edged Copper Queen Of Spain
Rock Grayling Scarce Swallowtail
Weaver's Fritillary Silver-studded Blue
Silver-washed Fritillary Skipper
Small White Southern White Admiral
White Admiral Spanish Gatekeeper
Speckled Wood Wall Brown
Alpine Chough Wryneck
Golden Eagle Lammergeier
Pyrenees mountains Pyrenees woods


Birds of the Pyrenees

Birds of Spain

Birds of Europe

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