Birds of Trinidad and Tobago January 2010

All photographs copyright Paul Gale Bird Photography

Trip with Ramblers Worldwide Holidays

Oilbird and Potoos (2)

Thrushes (3)

Woodcreepers and spinetails (6)

Bearded Bellbird

Scarlet Ibis

Red-billed Tropicbird

Manakins (3)

Kingfishers (3)

Ducks (5)

Bobbies, Frigatebird and Pelican (4)

Anhingas, Grebes and Cormorants (3)

Skimmers, Gulls and Terns (3)


Birds of Prey (11)


Parrots, parrotlets and macaws (4)

Gallinules and Jacanas (2)

Woodpeckers (3)

Swifts (4)

Trogons, Jacamars, Toucans and Motmots (6)

Antbirds (6)

Honeycreepers and Banaquits (4)

Grassquits, Cardinals, Saltators, Euphonias and finches (8)

New World Icterids (Blackbirds) and Mockingbird (9)

New World Warblers (3)

Tanagers (9)

Kingbirds and Myiarchus Flycatchers (4)

Water Tyrants and Becards (3)

Large Tyrant Flycatchers (3)

Hummingbirds (11)

Swallows and Martins (3)

Rufous-browed Peppershrike

Rufous-vented Chachalaca

Tyrant Flycatchers (6)

Anis and Wrens (2)


Tobago Island



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