Birds of Mallorca

Between 1996 and 1999 - scanned from Fugi slides and negatives

The Fugichrome 100 ASA slides have held their vivid colours well while the 400 ASA negatives have faded a bit, and changed colours slightly over the 16 years or so. Still the photos are a reminder of the birds which I saw in my five visits to the island.

All photographs copyright Paul Gale Bird Photography

Alpine Swifts Audoin's Gull Bee-easter
Black-eared Wheatear Black-winged Stilt Blue-headed Wagtail
Chetti's Warbler Eleonora's Falcon Fan-tailed Warbler
Great Reed Warbler Kentish Plover Little Bittern
Little-ringed Plover Moustached Warbler Night Heron juv
Nightingale Osprey Pied Flycatcher
Trumpeter Finch Purple Gallinule Purple Heron
Red-crested Pochard Sardinian Warbler Hoopoe
Serin Short-toed Lark Spectacled Warbler
Squacco Heron Subalpine Warbler Tawny Pipit
Whinchat White-winged Black Tern Wood Sandpiper
Woodchat Shrike Yellow legged Gull Peregrine Falcon
Cattle Egret Stonechat Wryneck
Spotted Flycatcher Cirl Bunting Whiskered Tern
Marsh Sandpiper Little Gull Swallowtail Butterfly
Booted Eagle Little Stint, Mallorca Ferruginous Duck, Mallorca
Little Egret, Mallorca Marbled Duck, Mallorca Redstart, Mallorca
Scops Owl, Pollenca Crag Martin Egyptian Vulture
Knot Red-rumped Swallow, May 1997 Bee-eaters Mallorca
Osprey Mallorca Little Bittern Mallorca Night Heron adult
Night Heron imm Night Heron in tree Purple Heron
Squacco Heron May 97    

Also seen, Stone Curlew, Gull-billed Tern, Black Vulture, Cory's Shearwater

Flowers in Mallorca Reeds Albefura Marsh - note the Little Bittern

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