Birds of Lesvos

1 to 8 May 2024

All photographs copyright Paul Gale Bird Photography

Alpine Swift Avocet
Barred Warbler Bee-eater
Black Stork Black Stork flight
Black-eared Wheatear Black-headed Bunting
Black-headed Wagtail Black-winged Stilt
Brown Cattle Egret
Clouded Yellow Collared Pratincole
Common Buzzard Common Sandpiper
Common Swift Common Tern
Corn Bunting Cretzschmar's Bunting
Curlew Sandpiper Dalmation Pelican
Dappled White Willow Warbler
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Eastern Orphean Warbler
Eastern Subalpine Warbler Eleonora's Falcon
Fan-tailed Warbler Greater Flamingo
Olive Tree Warbler Green Sandpiper
Hobby Honey Buzzard
House Martin Jay
Kestrel Kruper's Nuthatch
Lesser Grey Shrike Levant Sparrowhawk
Little Bittern Little Bittern female
Little Bittern flight Little Bittern male
Little Egret Little ringed Plover
Little Stint Long-eared Owl
Long-legged Buzzard Mallard
Balkan Marbled White Marsh Sandpiper
Marsh Warbler Night Heron
Masked Shrike Pectoral Sandpiper
Painted Lady Purple Heron flight
Purple Heron Purple Heron juv
Red-backed Shrike female Red-backed Shrike male
Red-breasted Flycatcher Pygmy Cormorant
Red-footed Falcon male Red-footed Falcon female
Red-rumped Swallow Red-throated Pipit
Reed Warbler Roller
Ruddy Shellduck Ruff
Rufous Bush Chat Ruppell's Warbler
Sardinian Warbler Shellduck
Short-toed Eagle Slender-billed Gull
Small Copper Sombre tit
Spanish Sparrow Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Redshank Spur-winged Plover
Teminck's Stint Squacco Heron
Stonechat Swallowtail
Whinchat Turtle Dove
White Wagtail White-winged Tern
White-winged Tern flock Wood Sandpiper
Bee-eaters with Black-headed Bunting Bee-eaters with Red-backed Shrike


Birds of Greece

Birds of Lesvos May 2023

Birds of Europe

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