Birds of Ecuador - Exploring the Andean forests

"Cock-of-the-Rock" trip with Naturetrek

6 to 15 November 2009

All photographs copyright Paul Gale Bird Photography

Some 200 species of bird photographed

Antpittas (6)

Kingfishers, Anis, Nightjars, Motmots and Jays (8)

Thrushes (3)

Contingas (2)

Guans (2)

New World Warblers (9)

Trogons and Quetzals (3)

New World Barbets and Puffbirds (3)

Emberizine Finches (8)

Toucans (4)

Mountain Tanagers (5)

Woodcreepers (3)

Gulls, lapwings and ducks (5)

Flowerpiercers, conebills and bananaquit (7)

Birds of Prey (11)

Wrens (5)

Tyrant Flycatchers (29)

Furnariids (9)

Swallows and martins (3)

Herons (2)

Icterids (4)

Peppershrikes, dippers and vireos (4)

Swifts (2)

Tanagers (17)

Pigeons and Doves (4)

Saltators, Grosbeaks and Siskins (3)

Woodpeckers (4)

Euphonias (3)

Hummingbirds (31)


Also seen, but not photographed - Uniform Antshrike, Immaculate Antbird, Barred Parakeet, Rufous-bellied Nighthawk, Turkey Vulture, Ecuadorian Thrush

Photos to add: Spotted Sandpiper, Eared Dove, House Wren, White-capped Parrot

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